Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chester's Chat

I think that everyone should have a philosophy of life--know why you are on the planet, know yourself, spend time with yourself, know what's going on around you, listen to others (especially your Elders) and respect their opinions, know your history, and connect with a higher being. Two of my favorite sayings are, "We live by habits," and, "Time is the most important thing that we have." I sometime do a "Thought for the Day" that I send to my daughters (but I've gotten lazy in the past year).

Part of my philosophy which I learned in my middle thirties is, "Work is not the purpose of my life, I am given life thet I may live." To the men out there that are married or contemplating marriage check this out:

"I would rather die than to dishonor the name of the Lord, break the heart of my wife and family, or disappoint those who respect me."

I have been married for over 50 years and this has always been a part of my philosophy. If you commit yourself to this, you to can be married to the same woman for over 50 years.


  1. I agree. A great philosophy. Can be applied to so much of life.

  2. Thank you Mr. Owens for the words of wisdom. So much of who all of us have turned out to be is directly correlated to all of the incredible individuals we have come in contact with. I look forward to reading more.

  3. Thanks Mr. Owens for sharing your wisdom and inspiring us to stay true to ourselves and to respect those who came before us. We have a lot to learn.

  4. Mr. Owens, Thanks so much for sharing your words of wisdon. Reading your thoughts is quickly becoming a part of "my habits" and I enjoy every minute of it.
